Sunday, June 13, 2010

Opposite Attract a Headache!

"Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God's temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God."
--- 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 (NLT)

This is one of those verses that stands to hold a GREAT wealth of wisdom if we can embrace it with the sensitivity and love of Jesus. Let's just start by giving a big, fat, hairy disclaimer, shall we?

Is this verse in anyway negating our call to reach people and share with them the grace of Jesus Christ? In other words, is it letting us off the hook from the whole "Great Commission" thing? NOPE! Definitely not.

Is this verse saying we can't be friends with unbelievers, aka outsiders from the Body of Christ? Nope again.

Is this verse telling us to shun people who believe or act differently from us? Maybe we should burn them at the stake or make public rebukes on Facebook? Umm, definitely, NO.
>> that Jesus ate with sinners and those dispised in his society.
>> that Jesus touch those with leprosy.
>> that Jesus took time to heal the blind.
>> that Jesus extended grace to the woman caught in adultry.
>> that Jesus hung on a cross for 6 hours, died, and then conquered all death for every single one of us, including all those people you don't care for very much right now.

That being said... take a look at the words used in this scripture... "Don't TEAM UP, PARTNER, LIVE WITH..." this is addressing deeper relationships. This is not limiting your mission field, but I think it does require that we distinguish different relationships in our lives.

MISSION FIELD: This is anyone and everyone you come in contact with who does not have a relationship with the Lord. Not to say that you should be quoting them scripture all the time and reminding them that they are sinners. No, these are people that, for a such a time as this, God has entrusted to you. And God is trusting you to shine the light of HIS love, mercy, gentleness, and hope into their lives. This could be a person at work, or school, a person a church, a person on the treadmill next to you at the gym, or the cute guy (or girl!) you are totally crushing on. the fact is, if they do not know Jesus, then Jesus is depending on you to be his hands, feet, and the representation of HIS heart.

BUT... what about everyone else? There ARE those relationships that God has designed for you. A best friend, or a spouse. These may be people we go in business with, start a ministry together, or share a life passion. This is what the Apostle Paul is talking about in these words.

Other versions of the Bible use the wording "yoked"... as in: Do not be unequally yoked with... this is a term that the people of that day would totally understand. The yoke was the tool used to harness and unite two oxen who were plowing a field together. If you had a big strong ox with a wimpy one, then they would often plow crooked and mess up the field. One ox would contantly bear the weight that the other could not hold.

OK, so did Paul just call us a big cow or something? Umm, I'm thinking 'no'! :) But he is giving a very practical word of advice.

Some people take this and say, well, that's easy, just be sure to marry someone who goes to church, or don't go into business with an athiest, or make sure your bestfriend goes to the same church. And, honestly, I think that's a sort of weak cop out on the teaching before us.

When entering very special relationships... put great prayer into it, and look very closely at the people you are engaging.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

In Marriage and Dating... here's what I get from this:

>>Missionary Dating is not a wise choice. Dating and Courtship is a place where people make themselves more vulnerable, yet have many boundaries to maintain. Honestly, I really haven't seen it work. I see people settle, get pressured into things they regret, and walk away hurt. If you are reading this, and this is where you are at, don't think I am picking on you, I am just saying from years of ministry experience, and even my own relationships... I really haven't seen it be a fruitful or wise decision.

>> When choosing a Spouse, (this falls in the dating category), yes, I think that you should court or marry someone who loves Jesus, but let's take it a step further. I have found for me that it was not simply that my husband has a relationship with God, or went to church. What I think really made our marriage special, was that we both shared a very similiar heart for ministry. Luke and I both had no idea we had a calling for ministry on our lives when we got married. We both thought we had totally different plans ahead of us. But we both esteemed God, His Word, His call, and His heart for people (and that IS the ministry of God!) in a similar way. This has yoked my husband and I together in a supernatural way that I can hardly describe! When life makes an unexpected turn, or we feel a crazy call from God, we trust that we can move together with joy, and peace.

I love the wording in 2 Corinthians... my husband is someone who I team with, whom God has joined me with. I live with him. I ultimately want harmony with him. We are united together as one flesh. We are partners. In Genesis, when God made Eve, the word describing her relationship to Adam was a "partner, helper". That is marriage, an amazing partnership.

SO... take an inventory of your gifts, your hearts dreams, your fervor for God, and remember that opposite don't attract much more than a headache. Of course, God may dramatically transform you, change you, open your eyes to something new... so I guess the only real constant in all this IS GOD. He is the hope we hold unswervingly to. He is the plumbline. He is the anchor in our lives. This word from the Lord is not a pillar for your salvation. You can still be saved and have these relationships with unbelievers or young Christians. However, the plow my get off track. The work may be much harder, and there will be a natural, expected amount of friction in the middle of it as well. The other person could likely pull you in a direction you did not want to go.

Because the truth is that God may have an incredible field to put in front of you. There will likely be years and seasons of planting and tending to the field before you see the harvest. And it is most certain that he will yoke you with others to plant and sow together. Maybe it will be that you start a small group together, or a business, or a family, or ministry... who knows, but I trust that He will not want you to do it alone. He will call you up to live life with others who will share the yoke with you.

So, keep your eyes open, seek Godly counsel, and pray your heart out. God does have an adventure ahead for you, now look around and see who will be with you on this journey!

at the plow,

PS. If you are on the other side of this... and you are not equally yoked... In friendship or dating, seek God to show you the right thing to do. If in marriage, stick it out, run after Jesus with more ferocity than ever before, shine the light, and pray your guts out! God will hear your prayers!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I adore you. I. Adore. You.

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