Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who's in Charge Here?!

Maybe this scenario seems familiar to you... maybe you remember it from years passed, or you are in the middle of it now, or you anticipate that one day you will be wrestling with a toddler on a daily basis just as I do!

SO, the other day, my (almost three year old) son and I were standing off nose to nose. He wanted to stuff his face with the various chocolates hiding in our locked kitchen cabinet. Some homes have a locked liquor cabinet, well, we have a locked cabinet that houses all the chocolate treats in the house. If it was not locked, my son would sure devour any hint of chocolate within reach, though I often think the lock is for my own benefit, too! :)

My little man all ready had more than his fair share of chocolate for the day, and with dinner time approaching, I was not going to budge. If I can't eat chocolate for dinner, well then, neither can he! :) So, Noah and I were going back and forth. He was laying down in front of the locked cabinet like he was picketing at a protest. (Oh the drama!) And I am proud to say that I was calmly kneeling in front of him with a stern face, a spanking spoon within reach (incase of emergency!) and I was speaking very calmly. To be honest, I was having a hard time not laughing at the child sprauled out like the world was going to end if he didn't get a chocolate fix.

I pulled Noah up and we were staring each other down. I had tried to be logical. I had come up with every reason, and my son was not consenting. So, in an act of desperation, firmly told my son: "I am in charge!" (Not yelling, just letting him know.) And how did my son respond? With great certainty he declared: "No, I am in charge!" OK, now I was stumped.

And in the midst of the battle with my own child, I seriously think the Lord took advantage of this moment. From the depths of my heart, I was sure I could hear the Holy Spirit ask: "Sound familiar?" I was caught off guard with that one. Noah and I went back and forth a few more times with the repeating: "No, I'm in charge!" comment and finally my husband intervened. (So nice that he always takes my side! LOL! What would I do without that man!?)

The rest of the night I couldn't help but think... how often do I act like my two year son face down on the floor, determined to get what I want? In my opinion... way too often! The fun thing was this epiphany moment came just before I got to attend the Desperation Conferences at NLC. I had an incredible time worshipping, seeking the Lord and searching my own heart.

One thing is for sure, I am NOT in charge. I don't want to waltz around like I am in charge. I don't want to convince myself or anyone else that I am. Nope. For me, God is in charge. He gets to plan things out and I am so honored to be a part of HIS story!

I don't know if that hits anything in your life... but I have been giving a lot over to God lately. There were things that I thought I earned or deserved, and things I feared, areas of insecurity, dreams abandoned... and in all of it, I want God in charge! All in His hands. It's His anyway, why waste time and enrgy struggling with the one person who knows me and loves me more than anyone else in the Universe?

God, you're in charge, and I'm gonna follow your lead!

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