Sunday, February 6, 2011

on Abortion, with LOVE.

In my recent post regarding Planned Parenthood, I received feedback that made me want to clarify myself.

I know that Abortion is an issue with complicated arguments, heated passion, painful connotations and realities, and it involved very real people.

Many people quote the high numbers of babies who have been aborted. It is a staggering number. However when I think of those statistics, I am reminded that for all those babies, there are woman walking around living in pain, brokenness, shame and isolation. (Especially feeling separated from the church and God.) Regardless of what you believe about a woman's right to choose, we cannot ignore that people are hurting through it. If a woman is seeking abortion for any of the following reasons:
>> young pregnant mother >> lacking support of her partner >> raped by a stranger >>exploited in human traffickng (and I am sure there are many more reasons)

... I think it is fair to say that no matter which of those reasons apply, each of the women are hurting in some way. They were all ready hurting before they walked in the door of a clinic.

It is with empathy and sisterly affection that I say that, though they may have been convinced otherwise, by giving up the baby inside, they are not automatically giving up their wounded heart in exchange for a healed one.

Every woman I have ever known to have an abortion regretted it. And that's not to try and make a blanket statement... because MAYBE, on the other side, some women don't regret it. That is just true for the women who have shared their story with me. However, I think it is even safer to say that removing the baby doesn't remove the pain. None of the women I have known who had abortions were emotionally or spiritually healed through the medical procedure. They still had a lot of wounds to deal with in their lives.

It is with this truth in mind, that I believe we should have compassion toward those pressed in these difficult decisions. We SHOULD extend grace and love as Christ has given us. Instead of screaming about issues, we must embrace the people that are wrapped up in the middle of the issues.

I have known women who bottled up their pain from Abortions for 15 or more years, and when they finally shared, the pain had not faded, it was still there, and still needed grace and healing to be made whole again.

All this being said,
when spreading awareness about a reported connection between human trafficking and Planned Parenthood, it was by no means to promote hatred of an issue, but plead others to VALUE LIFE.

Let's value the lives of those enslaved in human trafficking.
Let's value the lives of those aborted in clinics.
Let's value the lives of those who had the procedure.
>> And yes, let's value the lives of those perpetuating the darkness that enslaves. Let's value them enough to pray for their hearts to change and be made free in Christ. Rather than "condemning them to hell" let's believe that God's grace is big enough and sufficient to cover ALL sins. Let's believe that All who call on the Lord will be saved. What a glorious miracle that is!

with grace and humility,


Erin said...

very well said. thanks!

Donna said...

I also saw the videos. We, as Americans, give $360 million dollars annually to the P.P. organization. How sad, when so many young women use abortion as birth control. And another interesting & not surprising fact was that most of the pregnant women who were able to actually see the little arms & legs that were developing changed their minds. Perhaps we, as a society, have been misled with the facts & myths about abortion. Yes, let us value life, & not the dollar. Thanks Tiffany!

Laura said...

As someone who works at a Pregnancy Resource Center, thank you for sharing truth in love. His mercies are new every morning, for all of us.

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