Monday, July 12, 2010

On the Lake.

"One day Jesus said to His disciples, "Let's cross to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and started out. As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger. The disciples went and woke him up shouting, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. Then he asked them, "Where is your faith?"
The disciples were terrified and amazed. "Who is this man?" they asked each other. "When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!"
--Luke 8:22-25 (NLT)

What a typical picture in my life. God sets out to bring me to a new place. Maybe a new season, or a life change. Maybe a new job, or the vision of hope and dreams for the future. Maybe the beginning of a new relationship. Maybe it is a change of location, moving to a new city or new house. Whatever it is, I think I have a lot to learn from this story when mirrored with the context of my life.

Right now, I am still waiting, not sure how long we will have to live in our home, not sure if jobs will open up. There is an incredible amount of uncertainty in my life right now. Most days, I trust God, and I believe that He IS taking me to the other side of the lake. This morning was not one of those days. I woke up feeling frustrated, worried, stressed. Even though I was praying and singing to God, I didn't feel my heart changing. I think I didn't really want my heart to change, I wanted my situation to change. I prayed and acknowledged that HE is bigger, and stronger, and I believe that HE truly does love me. I asked for His peace. Still nothing. My heart was softening, but not feeling the break-through for which I was begging.

Then I came to this scripture, and I felt incredibly blessed.

Jesus told the disciples He was taking them somewhere, but he didn't magically transport them. No sci-fi action, "Beam me up, Scottie." Nope, they had to make the journey. They had to step into the boat, push the paddles, and fight the waves. Whatever the destination may be, there will be a path, a journey, that takes us there. That is truly the hardest part.

The waves began to rise around the disciples, and they started to panic. It is easy to criticize these guys now, but how much more have I flipped out when waves started to crash and water filled my boat? I think that they should atleast be commended for their action. They went to Jesus. I suppose you could say they were a little late, and should have asked for help sooner. Either way, they went to the right guy for help. I know there are times when I seek out people before Jesus. There are times when I try to build my own security, act stubbon, and try to be independent. All I really need to do is come to HIM.

Jesus asked "Where is your faith?" He didn't ask this because he came to his rescue. I think he was the fear in their eyes. He heard the worry in their voice as they cried out that they might drown.

Faith is knowing that we are on a journey. Faith is knowing that waves WILL come. Faith is knowing who to go to for help. Faith is believing that at our Lord's command, even the winds and waves will obey Him. Faith is knowing that God gently holds us and our whole world in His hands.

Today, I choose to be a woman of Faith. I leave fear behind. I trust in my Savior. I know He is here with me.

Love and Truth be Told,


Adirondack Annie said...

WOW! Tiffany thank you for expressing yourself here for all to read. I cane here through Papertrey Ink's blog. What a blessing you have just been to me!
I too have have much water in my boat & it seems to keep getting battered w/ storm after storm. Our God, though is an Awesome God & he continually delivers me from the consequences of my actions or lack there of.
He cleared my body of Stage 3 Breast Cancer & 2 years later (now) provided a clear Bone Scan (Dr.s thought it had come back in the bone)! I am the 6th in my family to get BC.
I have way 2 much crisis involving both immediate & extended family to even try to take in right now. Just know that God put you here in the "blogging world" 4 a reason & 2day that reason, I believe is me. Thank you.

Only By "HIS" Grace,

Gaylyn said...

Very lovely! Thank you for the reminder, so glad Jesus is there for us whenever we face the winds!

Anonymous said...

I too found you through Papertrey Ink's blog. Wow Thank you, you have spoken to my heart this morning. "Where is your Faith?" has pierced my heart,yet again.
We have already experienced what you are currently in right now...uncertainty. My husband was loosing his job for 3 years (a company merger was in play). Waiting and wondering where or if we should move and our oldest son being diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 11. Very uncertain times and Faith was put out there everyday. Somedays were easier than others and I realize still that Faith is a lifestle. By HIS grace do we get through (not get by) Know that HE is FaithFUL and continue to keep your eyes focused on Jesus. As My husband and I look back at the uncertainly we had just come out of (he is employed somewhere else and yes we did move and what a blessing) Many tears were shed by me in asking "Why?" "Why us?" We now see that it was all in HIS timing and HE blessed us more that we could imagine. Better job and better home. We still have Faith for a healing for my son. I pray he will be healed...not in my timing but in HIS. I pray that HIS will be done in your lives and know that HIS timing is the best and more fulfilling than you could ever imagine. There will always be storms in life,it is how we weather them by holding on to Christ. Keeping our eyes focused on HIM and He does calm the .

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