Saturday, August 3, 2013


Life has become a completely new adventure for my little family. For the past few months we have depended on God to hold us together while we re-evaluated life on so many levels. It has been invigorating to pray and dream with my husband.

A few weeks ago, we were driving across the country. While my favorite American terrain to travel through is definitely the hills of Tennessee, there is something absolutely spectacular about Kansas. No, you didn’t misread that little word, and I didn’t mistype it either.  The obvious reasons I love driving through Kansas are because the roads are straight, flat, and empty. It’s an easy drive, which for a girl who depends heavily on a GPS to get just about anywhere, the easier the better. One road. Just fill up the gas tank and drive to your heart’s content.

In the middle of our journey, I asked my husband, “What are you most excited about?” And with confidence and a glimmer in his eyes he simply stated: “The Unknown.”

I sat and looked out at the cornfields passing at 70 miles per hour and soaked in his response. Surveys and statistics would reveal that the unknown is one the biggest fears haunting most people today.  The black abyss of the future can send nauseating tension down to the pit of one’s stomach. The enemy of God will use uncertainty in our life to gain traction. He whispers the lies at record speed, he slanders the name of our Creator, and he ushers in an atmosphere of trembling doubt. Anyone unarmed with the sword of the Spirit would be quite vulnerable during such mysterious seasons.

I could not help but smile at the faith my husband possessed. Imagine being excited about the unknown. Just months ago, I depended on God to help me survive the tangible obstacles in front of me. Maybe you have felt more discouraged by the facts of your workload or schedule, the dismal relief from your hourly paycheck. Maybe the pressures and contracted responsibilities felt overwhelming from time to time. Boy, have I been there! But fear not! If even the tangible seems daunting today, this is the moment to press in and experience the wellspring of overflowing joy that only Jesus can unleash in your life.

On the day that both my husband and I lost our jobs, that morning I had texted him, “A breakthrough is coming today!” How clueless I was! Yet, I wonder if my ability to trust God with the tangible opened the new opportunity to trust him with the intangible.

As I drove across the quiet roads of Kansas, I appreciated the open climate around me. I could stare out at the blue skies, and there was not a cloud, or skyscraper to hinder my dreams. Faith could soar. My prayers had a straight pathway to Heaven.
How phenomenal to welcome the unknown.  Embracing the Unknown is truly embracing the power and wonder of God. Like an algebra equation with the mysterious “X” in the formula. I NEED God to be heavily involved in my equations.

Welcoming the unknown does actually leave one bit of certainty that the devil would hope you always forget.  Those who embrace the unknown, in the presence of God, are standing on the brink of a miracle. 

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